If you have invested in a new or recently manufactured car, the chances are that it came with a transponder key. In fact, these types of keys are pretty much the industry standard currently. Therefore to care for your vehicle correctly and gain entry in the most efficient way when you have been locked out, you will need to understand how such keys work. A topic you can discover more on in the post below.
First of all, a transponder key is one that contains an RF transmitter. It enables you to unlock your car and start the engine with a push of a button. The ignition responds to the signal that the transponder key emits. Thus allowing the vehicle to start without having to use a traditional key.
Transponder keys are actually pretty smart pieces of kit. They emit an alphanumeric code which signals to the electronic components in the vehicle can function. They work via an electromagnetic field generated by the induction coil located around the ignition lock. This field occurs when the key is used. It is this energy that is used by the transponder to send the single code to start the car.
The good news is that here a good Automotive Locksmith Hobart will be able to programme and cut transponder keys. Something that means you can access your vehicle fast if you have been locked out.
It is important to note that transponder keys and remote keys are not the same things. That is, if you have a remote key vehicle, gaining entry will be a different process. This is because a transponder key will unlock and start a car by engaging with a traditional lock mechanism. A remote key will unlock the car without engaging with a lock mechanism in the door but will need to in the ignition. A smart key will unlock the door without engaging with a lock and will have a push button to start he car and no need for an ignition lock at all.
However, a remote key may be able to unlock a car without using the physical key. However, a key will still be required in case of malfunction, and to start the vehicle. Of course, for some people, this can be seen as an advantage because even if the remote control key fails, they will still be able to gain access to their car.
However, for most, this small advantage is outweighed by the more considerable security benefits that use a transponder key includes. After all, if the transponder key is not present, the engine will not start, and the alarm system cannot be turned off. This being something that makes theft of the car incredibly tricky.
In fact, the massive security benefits of transponder key are why can manufacturers now fit these as standard. This is because transponder keys prevent vehicles from being hot-wired and stolen much more effectively than any other security measures.
Now, it may sound a little silly to ask this question, but a normal key may look the same as a transponder key but not contain the transponder. And this is also the same with a remote key. Usually a red light on the dash will indicate the car has an immobiliser installed.
Also, transponder keys are usually more costly to replace. Therefore you can easily tell whether you have one by calling your dealer and enquiring as to how much another key will cost. If they quote you under $30, it's likely to be a remote control key as they cost very little to replace. While transponder keys can be upward of $250!
Of course, the brilliant thing about transponder keys is that your car will not start without one. Unfortunately, that can create a massive issue if you lose your transponder key, lock it inside the vehicle by accident, or if it stops working. Happily, all is not lost if you do find yourself in such a situation.
In fact, the good news is that if you are looking for a Transponder Key Replacement service in Hobart, Tasmanian Locksmiths can help. In some cases, a car locksmith can even use a device that bypasses the need for a transponder key therefore allowing you to enter and start your vehicle in the short term. This being something that is particularly useful for urgent emergency situations.
In fact, when using a reputable Auto locksmith you can be sure that such bypass devices will not compromise the long term security of your vehicle. Something that means they are totally safe and secure to use when operated by a licensed professional. Also, using them will not void your vehicle's warranty, either. Something that will be reassuring news to transponder key operated vehicle owners everywhere!
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Tasmanian Locksmiths Pty Ltd are Hobart’s local family owned business, dedicated to helping the people of Tasmania in their hour of need. We were established in 1990 and were originally named Southern Locksmiths, this later changed to Tasmanian Locksmiths after buying out Hobart Locksmithing Service in 2004.